Sahara Configuration Guide ========================== This guide covers steps for basic configuration of Sahara. It will help you to configure the service in the most simple manner. Let's start by configuring Sahara server. The server is packaged with two sample config files: ``sahara.conf.sample-basic`` and ``sahara.conf.sample``. The former contains all essential parameters, while the later contains the full list. We recommend to create your config based on the basic sample, as most probably changing parameters listed here will be enough. First, edit ``connection`` parameter in the ``[database]`` section. The URL provided here should point to an empty database. In case of SQLite, if the database file does not exist, it will be automatically created by ``sahara-db-manage``. For instance, the following URL should work in most environments: .. sourcecode:: cfg connection=sqlite:////tmp/sahara.db .. Note that we recommend using MySQL or PostgreSQL backends for setups other than experimental. This is especially important if you plan to migrate later to a newer version of Sahara. With SQLite you will either have to start from scratch or migrate your DB to MySQL or PostgreSQL, might be non-trivial. Return to the ``[DEFAULT]`` section. Start by editing the following 5 parameters: .. sourcecode:: cfg os_auth_host os_auth_port os_admin_username os_admin_password os_admin_tenant_name .. The first two parameters should point to Keystone public endpoint. The next three parameters must specify a user Sahara will use to verify credentials provided by users. The provided user must have ``admin`` role in the specified tenant. Proceed to the networking parameters. If you are using Neutron for networking, then set .. sourcecode:: cfg use_neutron=true .. Otherwise if you are using Nova-Network set the given parameter to false. That should be enough for the first run. If you want to increase logging level for troubleshooting, there are two parameters in the config: ``verbose`` and ``debug``. If the former is set to true, Sahara will start to write logs of INFO level and above. If ``debug`` is set to true, Sahara will write all the logs, including the DEBUG ones.