Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop Plugin =========================================== The Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop (IDH) Sahara plugin provides a way to provision IDH clusters on OpenStack using templates in a single click and in an easily repeatable fashion. The Sahara controller serves as the glue between Hadoop and OpenStack. The IDH plugin mediates between the Sahara controller and Intel Manager in order to deploy and configure Hadoop on OpenStack. Intel Manager is used as the orchestrator for deploying the IDH stack on OpenStack. For cluster provisioning images supporting cloud init should be used. The only supported operation system for now is Cent OS 6.4. Here you can find the image: * IDH plugin requires an image to be tagged in Sahara Image Registry with two tags: 'idh' and '' (e.g. '2.5.1'). Also you should specify a default username of "cloud-user" to be used in the Image. Limitations ----------- The IDH plugin currently has the following limitations: * IDH plugin uses requests python library 1.2.1 or later version. It is necessary for connection retries to IDH manager. * IDH plugin downloads the Intel Manager package from a URL provided in the cluster configuration. A local HTTP mirror should be used in cases where the VMs do not have access to the Internet or have port limitations. * IDH plugin adds the Intel rpm repository to the yum configuration. The repository URL can be chosen during Sahara cluster configuration. A local mirror should be used in cases where the VMs have no access to the Internet or have port limitations. Refer to the IDH documentation for instructions on how to create a local mirror. * Hadoop cluster scaling is supported only for datanode and tasktracker (nodemanager for IDH 3.x) processes. Cluster Validation ------------------ When a user creates or scales a Hadoop cluster using the IDH plugin, the cluster topology requested by the user is verified for consistency. Currently there are the following limitations in cluster topology for IDH plugin: * Cluster should contain * exactly one manager * exactly one namenode * at most one jobtracker for IDH 2.x or resourcemanager for IDH 3.x * at most one oozie * Cluster cannot be created if it contains worker processes without containing corresponding master processes. E.g. it cannot contain tasktracker if there is no jobtracker.