Sahara Advanced Configuration Guide =================================== This guide addresses specific aspects of Sahara configuration that pertain to advanced usage. It is divided into sections about various features that can be utilized, and their related configurations. Domain usage for Swift proxy users ---------------------------------- To improve security for Sahara clusters accessing Swift objects, Sahara can be configured to use proxy users and delegated trusts for access. This behavior has been implemented to reduce the need for storing and distributing user credentials. The use of proxy users involves creating a domain in Keystone that will be designated as the home for any proxy users created. These created users will only exist for as long as a job execution runs. The domain created for the proxy users must have an identity backend that allows Sahara's admin user to create new user accounts. This new domain should contain no roles, to limit the potential access of a proxy user. Once the domain has been created Sahara must be configured to use it by adding the domain name and any potential roles that must be used for Swift access in the sahara.conf file. With the domain enabled in Sahara, users will no longer be required to enter credentials with their Swift-backed Data Sources and Job Binaries. Detailed instructions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First a domain must be created in Keystone to hold proxy users created by Sahara. This domain must have an identity backend that allows for Sahara to create new users. The default SQL engine is sufficient but if your Keystone identity is backed by LDAP or similar then domain specific configurations should be used to ensure Sahara's access. See the `Keystone documentation`_ for more information. .. _Keystone documentation: With the domain created Sahara's configuration file should be updated to include the new domain name and any potential roles that will be needed. For this example let's assume that the name of the proxy domain is ``sahara_proxy`` and the roles needed by proxy users will be ``Member`` and ``SwiftUser``. .. sourcecode:: cfg [DEFAULT] use_domain_for_proxy_users=True proxy_user_domain_name=sahara_proxy proxy_user_role_names=Member,SwiftUser .. A note on the use of roles. In the context of the proxy user, any roles specified here are roles intended to be delegated to the proxy user from the user with access to the Swift object store. More specifically, any roles that are required for Swift access by the project owning the object store must be delegated to the proxy user for Swift authentication to be successful. Finally, the stack administrator must ensure that images registered with Sahara have the latest version of the Hadoop Swift filesystem plugin installed. The sources for this plugin can be found in the `Sahara extra repository`_. For more information on images or Swift integration see the Sahara documentation sections :ref:`diskimage-builder-label` and :ref:`swift-integration-label`. .. _Sahara extra repository: